
ASC Tutored Courses

Know Before You Go - Make the most of your tutoring time:

  • Be prepared with topics and questions you want addressed. **tutors will not work on graded assignments.

  • Have your course materials with you such as textbooks, assignment instructions, notes, laptops, and calculators.

  • Stay on task when working with a tutor. The ASC is an active collaborative learning space, please refrain from behavior that is disruptive to your peers.

  • And don't forget, tutoring is a supplement to your learning and not a replacement to attending class. 

Fall 2024 drop-in tutoring starts Tuesday September 3rd. Check back then for our latest tutoring schedule.

tutoring hub schedule


Course number Course name ASC Location
CHM 2023 Chemistry for Today Tutoring Hub
CHM 2032 Intro to General/Organic Chemistry Tutoring Hub
CHM 2045 General Chemistry I Tutoring Hub
CHM 2046 General Chemistry II Tutoring Hub
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I Tutoring Hub
CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II Tutoring Hub
CHS 2440 Chemistry for Engineers Tutoring Hub


Course number Course name ASC Location 
Calculus I Tutoring Hub
Calculus II Tutoring Hub
Calculus III Tutoring Hub
Life Science Calculus I Tutoring Hub
Life Science Calculus II Tutoring Hub
Engineering Calculus I Tutoring Hub
Engineering Calculus II Tutoring Hub
Engineering Calculus III Tutoring Hub


Course number Course name ASC Location
PHY 2048 General Physics I Tutoring Hub
PHY 2049 General Physics II Tutoring Hub
PHY 2053 General Physics Non-Calculus I Tutoring Hub
PHY 2054 General Physics Non-Calculus II Tutoring Hub
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics

Tutoring Hub

STA 2122 Social Science Statistics

Tutoring Hub

QMB 2100 Business Statistics I Tutoring Hub