Resident Assistant (RA) & Community Manager (CM)

Minimum Qualifications

Resident Assistants (RAs) and Community Managers (CMs) promote student success via the implementation of the Residential Curriculum. This requires RAs and CMs to model the way, encourage the heart, and advocate for inclusive communities while empowering their residents to achieve their goals. This is a significant responsibility. Therefore, 2024-25 new RAs and CMs must meet the following minimum qualifications in order to care for others while also caring for themselves:

  • Participate fully in the selection process while demonstrating a capacity to serve as a successful RA or CM. This includes full participation in an asynchronous informational session and the associated quizzes. (To access this content, enroll in the associated Canvas course ) It also includes timely completion of the application. If you advance as a finalist, this also includes timely, full participation in a Workshop Week session.
  • Maintain a 2.75 term and cumulative GPA during Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024, and the 2024-25 academic year.

  • Model behavior congruent with university and housing policies by maintaining good conduct standing with the university. As candidates in the selection process and while in the position, RAs and CMs can't be on Conduct Probation or have outstanding sanctions.

  • Commit to no more than twelve (12) hours of commitments outside of the RA or CM position per week. These twelve (12) hours include no more than nine (9) hours of paid employment per week outside of the RA or CM position. Outside commitments are defined as research assistantships, internships, extracurricular involvement, student organizations, practicum experiences, paid employment, etc. International students are typically unable to hold additional on-campus employment appointments. Please review the FAQ page for more information.

  • RAs and CMs can’t hold outside commitments that interfere with their capacity to complete the responsibilities associated with the RA or CM position. RAs and CMs are unable to hold intensive internships and an internship cannot interfere with the Fall 2024 Student Staff Leadership Institute (Training) or Spring 2025 Rejuvenation (Training) in any capacity. Internships also can’t interfere with opening, closing, implementation of the residential curriculum, student support, weekly meetings, on-call responsibilities, and other job responsibilities.

  • Attend and fully participate in Fall 2024 Student Staff Training and Spring 2025 Student Staff Training. Fall 2024 Student Staff Training is anticipated to begin on August 10, 2024 and continue through August 25, 2024. Spring 2025 Student Staff Training is anticipated to begin in January 2025, six or seven days before the start of the semester. RAs and CMs must hold these days in their entirety. Please review the FAQ page for more information.

  • Sign a 2024-25 RA Agreement or 2024-25 CM Agreement as a condition for employment. These documents outline expectations and policies associated with these positions. Previous versions of these agreements are available here for review. Please note that the 2024-25 RA/CM Agreements are subject to change in comparison to previous versions.

  • Complete and pass a background check issued by the University of South Florida prior to serving as an RA or CM.
  • Be a current, full-time student at the University of South Florida (USF) Tampa.
  • Complete at least one full-time semester by the start of employment.
  • Be 18 years of age by the start of employment.