Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Can't I Fix the Spacing Between Toggle Snippets?

Have trouble fixing the spacing with Toggle snippets? They have their quirks!

Watch the video and follow these steps:

  1. To add a Toggle directly beneath and/or in between an existing Toggle, click directly to the right of the Toggle (you should be able to see your cursor flashing) and hit the Return button once.
  2. Click the Snippet (puzzle piece) icon and type "Toggle" in the Filter field (or scroll until you see "Toggle").
  3. After inserting the new Toggle, go to the Toggle right below it and click directly to the left of the Toggle (you should be able to see your cursor flashing) – then hit the Delete button once. This will remove any unnecessary spacing between Toggles.
  4. Click Save and publish the updated file to Test and/or Production.