Curriculum Committee


is the new curriculum submission system.  

Council members will be using this system to review and approve course proposals.  Curriculum proposals may be viewed in the system, but will be approved as part of the Council meetings.

Each meeting members will be assigned course(s) to review.  These assignments will be noted in the agenda, posted approximately two weeks before the Curriculum Committee meeting. Members will need to look at the agenda to see which courses are theirs to review.  They will then click on the link to go to the proposal in curriculog.  If a member looks at the "my task" tab in Curriculog, they will see all of the courses in processing at the Grad Council review step, and not just those courses assigned to them.

Once the course is reviewed, the member can approve the course or if there are issues, they can reach out to the proposer for clarification.  A course should not be disapproved unless there are major issues since that will start the course review process all over again.  Graduate Studies staff are available to assist and guide members with this process.

For information on the specific curriculum processings, refer to our resource website.