
Kristin Mulready-Stone Bio Header

Professor, U.S. Naval War College

• China
• China at War (1920-1945)
• Youth Organizations in Shanghai

Kristin Mulready-Stone earned her PhD in history from Yale University. She was history faculty at Kansas State University from 2000-2016 joined the faculty at the U.S. Naval War College in 2016. In 2023-2024 she was Visiting Professor and held the Harold K. Johnson Chair of Military History at the U.S. Army War College in the Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations. She has conducted research in the Shanghai Municipal Archives; the Number Two Historical Archives in Nanjing; the National Archives in Kew, London, United Kingdom; the National Archives in College Park, MD and Washington, D.C.; the Hoover Institution at Stanford University; and many libraries in the United States and China. Her research focuses on China at war from 1920-1945 and youth organizations in Shanghai.


In The Routledge History of the Second World War, edited by Paul Bartrop. New York: Routledge, 2021, 117-131. 

In The Routledge History of the Second World War, edited by Paul Bartrop. New York: Routledge, 2021, 349-363.

in The Global Impacts of Russia’s Great War and Revolution: Book 2: The Wider Arc of Revolution (Part 2). eds. Choi Chatterjee, Steven Marks, Mary C. Neuberger, and Steven Sabol. Bloomington IN: Slavica Publishers, 2019, 225-252. 

in The YMCA at War: Collaboration and Conflict during the World Wars. London and New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018

in Joint Force Quarterly 112 (1st quarter 2024). 

X: @MulreadyStone
LI: @kristin-mulready-stone-65291081

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