Central Financial Services

Travel Procedures

Travel Authorizations and Expense Reports for the College of Education are managed by Central Financial Services staff. Contact EDU-Travel@usf.edu with any questions or concerns.

  • All USF business travel is subject to the requirements of . Travelers, transaction submitters and approvers should have a working knowledge of USF travel procedures.  The USF Travel Manual guidelines are a valuable resource to support compliance with statute.
  • A traveler’s signature on an Expense Report certifies that all information on the Expense Repot is true and conforms with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes..
  • Before any travel expenses are paid, a fully approved Travel Authorization must be in place in a platform called Archivum.  
  • Travel Authorizations and Expense Reports for the College of Education are generated in the Archivum platform by College of Education Central Financial Services staff only.

Things to know before you Prepare your first Travel Request (per the USF Travel Manual):

  • All travel expenses must be as economical as possible.  No first-class or business class tickets will be reimbursed.  No early boarding or seating fees will be reimbursed.  No travel insurance or fees for transferable tickets will be reimbursed.  USF will pay for 1 checked bag.
  • If domestic flights cost more than $750 (or international flights are more than $1,500) flight comparisons must be submitted to show that you did not intentionally select expensive flights.
  • All receipts must show the vendor, the payee, the means of payment and a $0.00 balance. Receipts must be submitted as pdfs.  Incomplete receipts cannot be reimbursed.
  • USF uses a Per Diem formula to reimburse meals so restaurant receipts are not required.  
The Per Diem for travel in the United States is:
Meal Reimbursement  Time  Total 
Breakfast  $6 Travel must begin before 6:00 am and extend past 8:00 am  
Lunch $11 Travel must begin before 12:00 pm and extend past 2:00 pm  
Dinner $19 Travel must begin before 6:00 pm and extend past 8:00 pm  
  • USF has partnered with Avis for vehicle rental. Compact cars only. Travelers are encouraged to register with Avis. See the procedure here.
  • International Travel has additional requirements including registration with USF World and Import/Export Approval. See information for Global Travelers here and consult the attached Foreign Travel Guidance for All International Travelers.
  • A traveler cannot be reimbursed for someone else’s travel expenses.  If you pay for someone else’s registration or hotel, you will not be reimbursed.  If you want to support students or colleagues with travel expenses, contact the Travel Coordinator.
  • Mileage reimbursement for local travel – for student activities or to attend a meeting or local conference – must be approved by your Chair or Director. Mileage reimbursement is .445 per mile.  A google map (example) showing both destinations is required in addition to a completed Mileage Log.
  • If faculty are interested in conducting a Field Trip or overnight trip involving undergraduate students, please contact EDU-Travel@usf.edu at least six weeks in advance to begin the budget and approval process.
  • If you are traveling for business but there will be no USF expenses, it is recommended that a travel authorization for $1 be submitted to document your trip.  You do not need to specify a funding source, but the dates, destination and reason for travel should be provided to EDU-Travel@usf.edu
  • Registration for a virtual conference is paid through the College of Education’s Purchasing Coordinator.  Contact EDU-Purchases@usf.edu with an invoice to initiate the payment process.

Current Faculty

Please see the Travel Workflow for details.  

  • Identify your funding source(s).  What is your budget for the trip and how are you going to pay?  Contact EDU-Travel@usf.edu with any questions or concerns.
  • If your trip is 100% grant-funded please contact your Unit Research Administrator in the Center for Research, Evaluation, Assessment and Measurement (CREAM).  
  • For travel paid by departmental funding, complete a FY2023-2024 COEDU Travel Request and email it to EDU-Travel@usf.edu at least 10 business days before the start of travel. The travel request does not have to be signed by your department chair, but it is recommended that you contact him/her about your plans.  The travel authorization is an estimate of travel expenses – it does not have to include exact dollar amounts.
  • Central Financial Services staff with generate a travel authorization in an application called Archivum.
  • After the travel authorization is ‘approved’ you can purchase registration, plane tickets, or other travel expenses.  Travel expenses are paid by the traveler and reimbursed after the trip after an Expense Report has been processed.
  • Within five days of returning from the trip, forward the Travel Reimbursement Worksheet and supporting receipts to EDU-Travel@usf.edu.
  • Central Financial Services staff will generate an Expense Report in Archivum and it will be forwarded to you via Docusign for signature approval.  Reimbursement is received by direct deposit within two weeks (10 business days).

Current Graduate Students

  • Doctoral students who are first or second author presenting research results at a national conference in their field of study may apply for a $500 travel award from the College of Education Dean’s Office.  To apply, fill in the COEDU travel award request and forward it to EDU-Travel@usf.edu along with the required supporting documents (your acceptance letter and abstract).
  • Central Financial Services staff will submit the travel award request for approval.  If approved, they will generate a travel authorization in an application called Archivum.
  • After the travel authorization is ‘approved’ you may purchase registration, plane tickets, or other travel expenses.
  • Travel expenses are paid by the traveler up front and reimbursed after the trip after an Expense Report has been processed.
  • Within five days of returning from the trip, forward the Travel Reimbursement Worksheet and supporting receipts to EDU-Travel@usf.edu.
  • Central Financial Services staff will generate an Expense Report in Archivum and it will be forwarded to you via Docusign for signature approval.  Reimbursement for USF employees is received by direct deposit within two weeks (10 business days).  Students who are not employees will receive their reimbursement by check.

    For more travel information please visit the USF Travel Website.