Rehabilitation Counseling & Disability Sciences

Plans of Study

Plans of Study

The 60 credit hours plan of study includes:

  • Shared Core Requirements – 27 Credit Hours
  • Additional Required Courses – 24 Credit Hours
  • Practicum/Internship – 9 Credit Hours
  • Comprehensive Exam: Cumulative Student Portfolio
Shared Core Requirements (27 Credit Hours):
RCS 5780 Legal, Ethical, Professional Standards and Issues in Counseling 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6408 Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychopathology 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6440 Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6407 Counseling Theories and Practice Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6510 Group Theories and Practice 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6220 Individual Evaluation and Assessment 3 Credit Hours
MHS 5480 Human Growth and Development 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6740 Research and Program Evaluation 3 Credit Hours
MHS 5020 Skills and Techniques of Counseling 3 Credit Hours
Additional Required Courses (24 Credit Hours)
(or other graduate courses approved by Graduate Director)
RCS 5080 Medical Aspects of Disability 3 Credit Hours
RCS 5035 Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts and Applications 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6456 Counseling Approaches for Substance Abusers 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6701 Disability Justice and Trauma Informed Care 3 Credit Hours
RSC 6643 Advanced Case Management 3 Credit Hours
RSC 6251 Application of Assistive Technology 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6476 Human Sexuality Counseling 3 Credit Hours
RCS 6301 Career/Lifestyle Assessment 3 Credit Hours
Internship/Practicum (9 Credit Hours)
RCS 6803 Practicum in Counseling 3 Credit Hours
CS 6825 Internship 6 Credit Hours

Comprehensive Exam

This is satisfied with a passing grade on the Final Student Cumulative RCDS Portfolio.