Master's Program

Info session


Program Options

The Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Program offers both a non-thesis and a thesis program. All students are initially admitted to the non-thesis program. There is no language requirement; however, a comprehensive examination is required of all students before the degree is awarded. This program is in-person at the Tampa Campus.

  • Non-Thesis Program: Students in the non-thesis program must complete a minimum of 60 hours in the Post-Baccalaureate Program (REH). Electives may be taken from program offerings or from offerings outside the program with the consent of the student's advisor.
  • Thesis Program: Students may subsequently apply to the faculty for a thesis program. Students in a thesis program must complete a minimum of 60 hours in the Post-Baccalaureate Program (54-hour core curriculum plus a minimum of six hours of RCS 6970). An oral defense of the thesis is required. View Master’s Thesis Requirements and Timeline.


For Cohorts entering 2022 and later, there are two separate specialty areas that you must choose from, either Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling or Clinical Mental Health Counseling. When students complete their degrees, they will be eligible either to become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor or a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. Please contact your advisor to discuss your Plan of Study Roadmap to CRMHC Program.

The CRMHC Program uses a cohort model, with new students starting in the Fall semester of each year and following a plan of study. View the CRMHC roadmap, plan of study, semester course matrix, as well as specific full and part-time sequence of classes below.

CRMHC Plan of Study and Specialties

CRMHC Plan of Study for Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) Tracks and CRMHC specialties in Rehabilitation Counseling and Mental Health Counseling

CRMHC plan of study and specialties
CRMHC Fall Courses CRMHC Spring Courses CRMHC Summer Courses
2024 Fall Course Schedule 2024 Spring Course Schedule

2024 Summer Course Schedule

The below plans of studies are only for cohorts 2021 and prior

Full Time Student - Plan A

Full Time Student - Plan A
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Medical Aspects of Disability Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Practicum in Counseling 1 Human Growth and Development
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Human Sexuality Research and Program Evaluation - or - Elective 1
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Individual Evaluation and Assessment Diagnosis/ Treatment Psychopathology Practicum in Counseling II
Group Theories and Practice Career and Lifestyle Assessment Elective 1 - or - Research & Program Evaluation
Social and Cultural Foundations Counseling Theories and Practice  
Elective 2    
3rd Fall
Internship (6 credits)

Full Time Student - Marriage and Family Therapy Track

Full Time Student - Marriage and Family Therapy Track
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Human Sexuality Research & Program Evaluation - or Fundamentals of Substanse Abuse Counseling
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Medical Aspects of Disability Group Theories and Practice
Rehab Counseling: Concepts and Application Diagnosis/ Treatment Psychopathology Dynamics of Marriage and Family Therapy
  Career and Lifestyle Assessment *Elective option: Trauma Informed Ind, Fam, Coup
*Elective option: Medical Family Therapy
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Practicum in Counseling I Practicum II Fundamentals of Substanse Abuse Counseling - or - Research & Program Evaluation
Individual Evaluation and Assessment Counseling Theories and Practice Human Growth and Development
Social and Cultural Foundations *Elective option: Marital Therapy *Elective Option: Trauma Informed Ind, Fam, Coup
*Elective Option: Practicum II (MFT)
*Elective option: Family Therapy
*Elective option: Ind and Fam Tr Child & Adolesce
3rd Fall
Internship (6 credits)

Full Time Student - Addictions and Substance Abuse Track

Full Time Student - Addictions and Substance Abuse Track
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Research Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Medical Aspects of Disability Group
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Psychopathology Human Sexuality
  Career and Lifestyle Assessment  
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Practicum I Practicum II Substance Abuse Certificate - Elective
Professional Skills for Addictions Counselors Counseling Approaches for Substance Abusers Human Growth and Development
Individual Evaluation and Assessment Counseling Theories  
Social and Cultural Foundations    
3rd Fall

Full Time Student - RSA Scholar Plan of Study

Full Time Student - RSA Scholar Plan of Study
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Practicum 1 Human Growth and Development
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Medical Aspects of Disability Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Career and Lifestyle Assessment Advanced Rehab Systems
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Critical Thinking, Skills & Collaboration Psychopathology Practicum 2
Individual Evaluation and Assessment Research Advanced Case Management & Quality Documentation
Group Theories Counseling Theories  
Social and Cultural Foundations Human Sexuality  
3rd Fall

Full Time Student - Plan B

Full Time Student - Plan B
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Medical Aspects of Disability Practicum In Counseling I
Legal/Ethical Issues & Prof Standards Human Sexuality Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Career & Lifestyle Assessment Elective 1
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Individual Evaluation & Assessment Diagnosis/ Treatment Psychopathology Practicum in Counseling II
Group Theories and Practice Research & Program Evaluation Human Growth & Development
Social & Cultural Foundations Counseling Theories and Practice  
Elective 2    
3rd Fall    
6825 Internship    

Part Time Student - Plan of Study

Part Time Student - Plan of Study
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Medical Aspects of Disablity Human Growth & Development
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Human Sexuality Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Psychopathology Practicum 1
Social and Cultural Foundations Research Elective 1
3rd Fall 3ed Spring 3rd Summer
Individual Evaluation & Assessment Counseling Theories Practicum 2
Group Theories Career & Lifestyle Assessment  Elective 2
4th Fall

Part Time Student - Marriage and Family Therapy Track

Part Time Student - Marriage and Family Therapy Track
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Medical Aspects of Disablity Human Sexuality
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Career and Lifestyle Assessment Dynamics of Family Therapy
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Diagnosis/ Treatment Psychopathology Human Growth & Development
Elective Option:  Family Therapy  - or - Individual and Family Treatment with Children and Adolescents Elective Option: Marital Therapy Theories and Techniques Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling - or - Research and Program Evaluation
    Elective Option: Trauma
3rd Fall 3rd Spring 3rd Summer
Practicum in Counseling I Practicum II Research - or - Fundamentals of Substance Abuse
Elective Option: Family Therapy - or - Individual and Family Treatment with Children and Adolescents Counseling Theories and Practice Group Theories and Practice

Elective Option: Practicum II (MFT)

Elective Option: Medical Family Therapy and Integrated Health Care - or - Trauma

4th Fall 4th Spring  
Individual Evaluation & Assessment Internship (6 credits)  
Social & Cultural Foundations    
Elective Option: Individual and Family Treatment with Children and Adolescents  - or - Family Therapy    

Part Time Student - Addictions and Substance Abuse Track

Part Time Student - Addictions and Substance Abuse Track
1st Fall 1st Spring 1st Summer
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling Medical Aspects of Disablity Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Counseling
Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications Career & Lifestyle Assessment Human Sexuality
2nd Fall 2nd Spring 2nd Summer
Legal/Ethical Issues & Professional Standards Psychopathology Human Growth & Development
Professional Skills for Addictions Counseling Counseling Approaches for Substance Abusers Certificate Elective or Research
3rd Fall 3rd Spring 3rd Summer
Practicum 1 Counseling Theories Research or Certificate Elective
  Practicum 2 Group Theories
4th Fall 4th Spring  
Social and Cultural Foundations Internship  
Individual Evaluation & Assessment    

*Please Note: Students are expected to complete 3 semesters of field placement experience. Hours accrued during this time at agencies are in addition to classroom hours.