Teaching & Research

CoTA Faculty Research Grants

Fall 2024 Call for Proposals

Application Announcement: Friday, September 6, 2024
Application Deadline: Friday, September 27, 2024 at 11:59 PM
Award Notifications: Friday, October 11, 2024

Fall 2024 Grant Cycle

The College of The Arts Office for Research is excited to announce the Fall 2024 round of grants.  Grant applications, proposal timelines, and guidelines and criteria are available on the College webpage. Proposals are now open for the Creative Scholarship Grant, Interdisciplinary Scholarship Grant, Faculty Travel Grant, and the Research S.E.A.D. Grant. Questions about the CoTA Internal Grants Program or other research related questions can be emailed to CoTA Research.

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Grants will be announced mid-October 2024.

Awards Registration Fees

Also available for application are the Award Fee Grant. This grant has an open funding timeline and may be requested through a brief . Please submit your request no less than three (3) weeks in advance of the Award application deadline.  

Award Registration Fee (rolling application)

Open September 2024, with awards announced October 11, 2024:

Creative Scholarship Grant

Research S.E.A.D Grant (Scholarship for Enhancement in Arts & Design)

Faculty Travel Grant

 Interdisciplinary Scholarship Grant

Open January 26, 2024, with awards announced March 1, 2024:

Creative Scholarship Grant

Interdisciplinary Scholarship Grant

Faculty Travel Grant (cycle 2 of 3)

         Research S.E.A.D Grant (Scholarship for Enhancement in Arts & Design)

Open March 1, 2024, with awards announced May 1, 2024:

Faculty Travel Grant (cycle 3 of 3)

      • Grant Application
      • Grant Guidelines 

Please direct questions to COTA-Research@usf.edu or call (813) 974-2320.