University of South Florida


Presidential seal and mace

USF presidential search committee selected

The University of South Florida Board of Trustees (BOT) today provided the university community with key updates on the search for USF’s next president. 

BOT Chair Will Weatherford announced a broadly representative, 15-member presidential search committee that will be led by Mike Griffin, vice chair of the USF Board of Trustees.  The committee membership follows guidelines established by the for presidential searches.

Mike Griffin

Mike Griffin, vice chair of the USF Board of Trustees

The full committee:

  • Mike Griffin, chair
  • Melissa Seixas, vice chair
  • Tammy Allen
  • Derrick Brooks
  • Lisa Carlton
  • Braulio Colón
  • John Couris
  • Julia Cunningham
  • Oscar Horton
  • Patrick Hwu
  • Ken Jones
  • Mark Mondello
  • Debbie Nye Sembler
  • Sylvia Wilson Thomas
  • Jose Valiente

“Each member of the presidential search committee brings a unique perspective on the University of South Florida, and their diverse viewpoints will be valuable as this process moves ahead.  I have full confidence in this esteemed group of individuals, who care deeply about USF and its future,” Weatherford said.  “The search committee has a central role to play in finding our next great president and I thank the members of the committee in advance for their willingness to serve.”

Today the BOT selected the firm of SP&A Executive Search to serve in support of USF’s presidential search.  The search committee will work closely with the firm to:

  • Prepare a position description for USF’s next president that aligns with USF’s mission, strategic plan  and aspirations.  The position description will be developed in consultation with USF’s stakeholder groups, including opportunities for public input, and submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval. 
  • Identify, screen and interview the most qualified candidates, including offering opportunities for non-search committee members to interact with the finalists and provide feedback to the search committee. 
  • Recommend an unranked list of finalists for consideration by the Board of Trustees.

All search committee meetings will be open to the public. The full USF Board of Trustees will vote to select USF’s next president, subject to confirmation by the Florida Board of Governors. 

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