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Human Geography


Course: GEO 2400 Human Geography

Date: Spring 2022

About the Course: Human Geography encompasses those branches of geography which focus primarily on the relationships between humans and the environments they construct. This course examines the object of study of human geography, as well as explores many of the components of human geography, including economic geography, geopolitics, cultural geography, urban geography, population geography, and the relationships between geography and globalization. 




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Human Geography is a high enrollment course and most of the undergraduate student population was comprised of non-majors with little experience in geography. 

Pokémon-style cards were designed to add a gamification element to the course and increase student engagement with the course materials and activities.

The geography cards detailed the skills and knowledge that students acquired in each course unit. The cards also provided feedback and showed student progression throughout the course.

Six main geography cards were designed, and each card was awarded after completing a course unit (comprised of 2-3 modules). In each unit, students participated in assessments, assignments, and a photo discussion to earn the card.

What tools were Used



What it looks like