
University of South Florida

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

USF Virtual Town Hall Follow-up (4/10)

Dear faculty and staff,

Thank you to all who participated in yesterday’s virtual town hall.  Although we are physically apart, it is inspiring to continue connecting as one USF community. In our first such town hall of its kind, we were joined by roughly 3,500 participants from all across the Tampa Bay region. For those who were not able to join, please find a recording of our session .

I also wish to reiterate my enthusiasm for the newly adopted USF Principles of Community, which will help reinforce a campus climate of mutual support among faculty, staff and students. These Principles will serve as the bedrock for our strategic renewal process, which we began last autumn and will continue this coming summer and autumn.  The Principles will further facilitate our shared strategy, mission, vision and goals for ONE USF, Geographically Distributed. I want to sincerely thank the Task Force for its work, with special recognition to Charles Adams, dean of the Judy Genshaft Honors College and chair of this task force, and Steve Prevaux, university ombuds, who served as its facilitator. Click to learn more about the Principles and the important process that brought them to fruition.

Finally, I want to again offer my sincere appreciation for the incredible adaptability and compassion you have shown during this unprecedented challenge. This crisis has changed the way we live and work, and it will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on our institution. But together, we get to decide what that impact will be.  It’s clear that we will emerge from this crisis stronger, more united and more resilient than ever before. We will prevail! 

Best wishes,

Steven C. Currall
President and Professor

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This is an evolving situation. Please refer to the most recent information presented.

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The University of South Florida continues to closely monitor the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our highest priority as university leaders work closely with local, state and federal agencies to share the most updated information.