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Two women dressed in business attire looking at a tablet together

5 Tips for Paralegals to Improve Client Communication

As the liaison between counsel and client, paralegals are called on to handle complex and sensitive exchanges of information. Communicating with your law firm’s clients requires skills in translating legalese, managing documents, keeping track of critical dates, and imparting a level of emotional support.

June 15, 2021Human Resources

A person's hand holding a rope tied around a man in business attire

Six Tips for Improving Employee Retention

With hiring in expansion mode in every sector, managers are preparing for an all-out battle for talent. How do you lower your risk of losing top staffers to the competition?

June 8, 2021Human Resources

Two women shaking hands and smiling

Is Human Resources the Right Career for You?

If you’re an extrovert who thrives on working with others, there are plenty of reasons to consider a human resources career. HR is a high-touch field, and practitioners interact with people from all walks of life from sun up to sun down.

December 22, 2020Human Resources

A woman wearing glasses standing in front of a wall with sticky notes

Managing Online Corporate Training

Whether your boss is requiring you to take online training courses or you’re voluntarily trying to expand your skill set, finding time for professional development can be a challenge.

November 20, 2020Human Resources, Professional Development

A group of people sitting at a table and pointing fingers at someone

Five Tips for Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Let’s face it: Workplace disagreements are never fun. When those disagreements boil into overt conflict, though, they become downright excruciating. Unchecked conflict can rob your team of its morale, destroy productivity, and create permanent workplace rifts.

October 13, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management, Project Management

A woman standing at the front of a room presenting a monthly budget to a group of people

Benefits of Offering Employee Training and Development

Implementing an employee training program is a long-term investment in your best resource (people) that can positively impact your bottom line tenfold. From reducing the cost of employee turnover to increasing productivity, here are just a few of the many benefits of offering employee training and development programs.

September 22, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management, Professional Development

A man wearing athletic clothing running on a treadmill

6 Ways to Improve Employee Wellness for Productivity

As a leader in your organization, you’re faced with a tough challenge. How can you maintain productivity (and profitability) when workers are chronically stressed due to COVID-19? The answer is simple: Take care of your employees’ emotional and mental well-being.

May 22, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management, Process Improvement, Professional Development

A group of three people sitting together and smiling

5 Reasons Why You Should Offer Health Insurance for Employees

If this article had a moral, it would be that giving your employees health insurance coverage is the right thing to do and, ultimately, beneficial for all concerned parties. It’s kind of like A Christmas Carol in that Ebenezer Scrooge opening his heart was a good thing for him that ultimately saved Tiny Tim.

May 8, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management

Two people relaxing in hammocks side by side

Benefits of Encouraging Employees to Use Vacation Time

Research on the benefits of encouraging employees to use vacation time shows they’re also a source of improved productivity and profit for businesses and better mental, physical, and financial health for employees. And all that is adrenaline for the economy.

May 1, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management

A man in business attire sitting with his hand on his forehead

You Lost Your Job. Now What?

The sudden loss of a job is a body blow, but life and financial obligations don’t stop because you’re unemployed. How do you respond while still reeling from the impact? Simple. Be indomitable.

April 21, 2020Human Resources, Professional Development

A man wearing glasses and a button down shirt carrying a bag on his shoulder

Movement, Mindfulness, and Motivation: How to Increase Employee Productivity

To help your team achieve improved outcomes and have less stress doing it, focus on three almost effortless improvements to the modern workplace: Movement, mindfulness, and motivation are how you can increase employee productivity and enhance your team’s everyday experience at work.

March 24, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management, Professional Development

A person holding a sticky note that says

How to Fight Employee Turnover by Showing Appreciation

It’s great when the bottom line and golden rule line up. For example, keeping good employees happy is cost-effective, and churn is costly.

March 10, 2020Human Resources, Leadership and Management

About Corporate Training and Professional Education

USF Corporate Training and Professional Education empowers people to craft their future without limits through engaging professional growth learning and certification programs. Its programs focus on an array of topics – human resources, project management, paralegal, process improvement, leadership skills, technology, and much more.

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