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A woman and a man dressed in business attire looking at a laptop together

My Turn as a Mentor

I recently received a letter from a former associate. In it, she expressed immense gratitude for my role in both her professional and personal development. She said that I helped her to identify her strengths, which allowed her to confidently advance in, what remains, a successful career.

September 30, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

Two women dressed in business attire looking at a computer

Mentoring: Do You Need It? Can You Provide It?

When business magnate Richard Branson entered the airlines industry in the 1980s, he recognized guidance was necessary for such a major undertaking. He sought out Sir Freddie Laker, an innovative entrepreneur in his own right, who’d started Laker Airways in 1966.

August 31, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A group of employees sitting on steps talking to each other.

Employee Engagement Past and Present: More in Common Than Different

Some of my most treasured memories have been impromptu talks with co-workers in the hallway—or in the break room as I waited for my food to come out of the microwave. These types of experiences go a long way toward employee engagement—an important benchmark for a leader to fulfill.

February 26, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A person sitting behind a laptop taking notes in their notebook.

Continuing Education as an Investment in Yourself

The belief that our days in the classroom come to a close following high school, trade school, or college is, undoubtedly, a thing of the past. And because change is certain, it’s necessary to instill a mindset of perpetual learning.

January 29, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

Two people standing at a desk with a laptop and a tablet

5 Skills of Successful Project Managers

Whether you chose project management early on or fell into the role later in your career, organization, time management, and planning likely come naturally to you. It’s why you’re a project manager, after all.

January 19, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A group of people sitting and standing around a table looking at a laptop

Anticipate, Prepare, and Decide

The best leaders constantly strive for peak performance and efficiency. But those ideals are usually held under the premise of “normal” circumstances. What happens when things go sideways?

September 29, 2020Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A group of women gathered around a table smiling at each other

Leaders Earn the Respect of Their Teams, Part II

The key to a successful leader is to earn respect—not because of rank or position, but because you are a leader of character.

August 25, 2020Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A group of women gathered around a table smiling at each other

Leaders Earn the Respect of Their Teams

Respect. Aretha Franklin famously asked for it in song. Rodney Dangerfield went to hilarious lengths to claim he got none. Actually, respect is a big deal. If you’re a manager in any workplace, respect from your team signifies its trust in you.

July 28, 2020Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A group of people working on a project with materials scattered around a table

Teamwork: Contribute Together, Win Together

As a country, we continue to navigate the effects of the pandemic and, in more-recent events, listen to voices calling for civil justice. Both are topics of immense, historic importance and deserving of our attention.

June 30, 2020Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

People in business attire holding plates of food and cups of coffee

Connecting With Your People Outside of Work Roles

Not long after our office began working exclusively from home 11 weeks ago, we initiated a weekly “coffee” video chat for the purpose of connecting socially with one another. The only hard-and-fast rule of the meeting is no one is allowed to talk shop.

May 29, 2020Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A person in a virtual meeting on their laptop

Leadership During Crisis

In a crisis, crucial elements for leadership must exist—and it begins with trust. Having the trust of your team is always critical but, now, the need is certainly amplified.

April 29, 2020Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

A woman standing on a city street wearing a face mask

Letter From the Director: Thoughts on the Covid-19 Outbreak

The current Covid-19 pandemic has forcefully come to the forefront of the nation’s psyche in relatively little time, rapidly—and radically—altering the rhythm of our lives. In less than two weeks, our work, school, and social schedules have been turned upside-down.

March 23, 2020Director's Corner

About Corporate Training and Professional Education

USF Corporate Training and Professional Education empowers people to craft their future without limits through engaging professional growth learning and certification programs. Its programs focus on an array of topics – human resources, project management, paralegal, process improvement, leadership skills, technology, and much more.

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