Kristin Allukian

Associate Professor and Graduate Director


Office: CPR 360-D
Phone: 813-974-9529


  • Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Pedagogy, Georgia Tech

  • Ph.D., University of Florida

  • M.A., Trinity College
  • B.A., Mount Holyoke College


American literature before 1900; women's literature; archive studies; gender, sexuality, and feminist theory; and digital humanities.



  • Slavery, Capitalism, & Women’s Literature: Economic Insights of American Women Writers, 1852-1869. University of Georgia Press, 2023.
  • Eds. Kristin J. Jacobson, Kristin Allukian, Leslie Allison, Ricki-Ann Legleitner. Liminality, Hybridity, and American Women’s Literature: Thresholds in Women’s Writing. New York: Palgrave, 2018.

Articles and Book Segments

  • “Woven Whiteness in Lucy Larcom’s ‘Weaving.’”&˛Ô˛ú˛őąč;Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 40.1-2 (2023): 85-107.
  • “Marriage, Career, and Class in the Private Letters of Harriot Curtis, Co-Editor of the Lowell Offering.”&˛Ô˛ú˛őąč;Resources for American Literary Study, 42.2 (June 2021): 225-255.
  • “The Suffrage Postcard Project: Transatlantic Suffrage History and Feminist Digital Archiving.” Co-authored with Dr. Ana Stevenson. Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies, 8.8 (May 2021): 1-25.
  • “Decentering Digital Discomfort: Feminist Digital Pedagogy in the DH Lab.” Co-authored with A. Cendrowski and A. Duque. Hybrid Pedagogy. (October 2020): np.
  • “The ‘Brilliant Careers’ of Women Lecturers and Other ‘Terrible Creatures’ in Henry James’ The Bostonians and Lillie Devereux Blake’s Fettered for Life.”&˛Ô˛ú˛őąč;ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture. 65.1 (July 2019): 73-107.
  • “Early American Women Writers: The Potentiality of the Continual Self-Creating Act” and “Afterword: Beyond Thresholds—Suggestions for Further Research and Teaching Resources for Early American Women Writers.”&˛Ô˛ú˛őąč;Liminal Spaces and Hybrid Lives in American Women’s Writing. Ed. Kristin J. Jacobson. New York: Palgrave, Spring 2018.
  • “A Conversation ‘in the Air’: Woman’s Right to Productive Labor in Eliza Potter’s A Hairdresser’s Experience in High Life and Louisa May Alcott’s Work: A Story of Experience.”&˛Ô˛ú˛őąč;Women’s Studies An inter-disciplinary journal. 45.16 (August 2016): 1-19.
  • “Rule-guided Expression: Gender Dissent across Mediated Literary Works.” Co-authored with M. Carassai. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology. No. 8 (November 2015): np.
  • “‘If not in this world in another, perhaps?’: Transatlantic Approaches to the New Man Question in Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’ The Silent Partner,”&˛Ô˛ú˛őąč;Symbiosis: A Journal of Transatlantic Literary and Cultural Relations. 19.1 (April 2015): 25-45.


 is a digital archive which analyzes 1100+ early twentieth-century pro- and anti-suffrage postcards to explore how feminist digital humanities practices offer new historical narratives of the U.S. suffrage movement. Co-Founded with Dr. Ana Stevenson.