University of South Florida

Department of English


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Fall 2020 English Department Accomplishments

Fall 2020 Accomplishments


Rita Ciresi

  • Ciresi, Rita.  “Big Feet,” Fast Funny Women, Woodhall Press, 2020.
  • ---. “Bodyguard.” Harmony, 2020.
  • ---. “Fair:  1923.” Chasing Light, Yellowjacket Press, 2020
  • ---. “Jump.” Longlisted for the , 2020.
  • ---. “.” Multiplicity, 2020.
  • ---. “Mona Lisa.” Best Small Fictions 2020, Sonder Press, 2020.
  • ---. “Motherhood.” Fractured Lit, 2020.
  • ---. “Mouth.” Fractured Lit, 2020.
  • ---. “.” Gulfstream Literary Magazine, December 2020.

Nelli Cirineo

  • Nelli Cirineo served on the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation conducting a school site visit as a team leader. 
  • Cirineo, Nelli. “Combining Writing Assessment Practices to Enhance Their Effectiveness.” Critical and Creative Thinking Conference, 29 September 2020, University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg, FL. Conference Presentation.

Wilma Davidson

  • Davidson, Wilma and Diana deAvila. “How to Become More Digitally Savvy.” The Pen Woman, Fall 2020, pp. 7.
  • ---. “Art Explosion.” The Pen Woman, Fall 2020, pp. 9.
  • ---. “.” Zippia, the Career Expert, 4 December 2020. Online.

Jeremy Ekberg

  • Jeremy Ekberg completed USF's Online Instructor Certification.
  • ---. “History Commodified: Identity and Simulacra in England, England.” Narratives of Displacement International Conference, The University of the Balearic Islands, Spain, 2 November 2020. Online conference presentation. 

Nathan R. Johnson

  • Nathan R. Johnson responded to a panel written about his 2012 article, "." Kristen Grafton's , which he directed, was awarded a 2020 USF Outstanding Thesis Award.
  • ---. “.” U of Alabama P, 2020.
  • Johnson, Nathan R., & Meredith A. Johnson. "." Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 50, no. 5, 2020, pp. 368-382.
  • ---, & Meredith A. Johnson. "Spatial Imaginaries as Material and Method." National Communication Association’s 106th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 20 November 2020. Virtual Presentation due to COVID-19.
  • ---. "Critiquing the [Cross]Roads: Rhetorical Perspectives for Understanding Infrastructure." National Communication Association’s 106th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 19 November 2020. Virtual Presentation due to COVID-19.

John Lennon

  • Lennon, John and Magnus Nilsson, editors. Working-Class Literature(s): Historical and International Perspectives. vol. 2, Stockholm University Press, 2020. 
  • ---, Jeffrey Ian Ross, and Ronald Kramer, editors. Visual Inquiry. vol. 9, no. 1-2, 2020. 
  • --- and Magnus Nilsson. "Reexamining the Proletarian Fictional Autobiography: Class, Gender and Aesthetics in Agnes Smedley’s Daughter of Earth." Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 19, no. 5, 2020, 1-28.   
  • --- and Magnus Nilsson. "Introduction: Evolving Perspectives on Working-Class Literature." Working-Class Literature(s): Historical and International Perspectives. Volume 2., 2020, 1–14.  
  • ---, Jeffrey Ian Ross, and Ronald Kramer. "Moving beyond Banksy and Fairey: Interrogating the co-optation and commodification of modern graffiti and street art." Visual Inquiry. vol. 9, no. 1-2, 2020, 5-23. 
  • ---. "Gentrifying Activism? Washington, DC's Black Lives Mural," Association for the Study of Arts of the Present (ASAP), October, 2020. Online conference presentation.

Jill McCracken

  • McCracken, Jill. “E.” SAGE Journals, 16 October 2020.

Jan Melnik

  • Jan Melnik is pleased to announce the December release of a six-part to augment her recent book, Modernize Your Executive Job Search: Get Noticed… Get Hired.

Lisa Meloncon

  • Lisa Meloncon chaired the 2020 .
  • Melonçon, Lisa., et al., editors Rhetoric of Health and Medicine As/Is: Theories and Approaches for the Field. Ohio State University Press, 2020.
  • ---, et al., editors. “A National Snapshot of the Material Working Conditions of Contingent Faculty in Composition and Technical and Professional Communication.” Special issue, , vol. 4, no. 1, 2020.
  • ---, et al. “Introduction to ‘A National Snapshot of the Material Working Conditions of Contingent Faculty in Composition and Technical and Professional Communication.’” Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 6–26.
  • ---, et al. "Results and Findings from the Survey." Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 27–64.
  • ---, et al. "Data Takeaways." Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 65-87.
  • ---, et al. "Affective Investment." Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 88-112.
  • ---, et al. "Politics of Service." Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 113–131.
  • ---, et al. “Looking Forward: Considering the Next Steps for Contingent Labor Material Work Conditions.” Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 132–156.

Cynthia Patterson

  • Cynthia Patterson was featured in The Library Company of Philadelphia E-News Brief, “Fellow Highlight: Cynthia Patterson.”
  • Patterson, Cynthia Lee. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Living in Periodicals." American Periodicals, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2020, pp. 126-48.
  • ---. "Visual Culture Studies: From Theory to Practice to Products." Teaching Creativity in the HyFlex Environment panel, USFSP Critical & Creative Thinking Conference, 2 October 2020. Virtual Conference.
  • ---. "Writing at the Margins: Mary Effie Lee (Newsome) and the A.M.E. Church Review." The Harlem Renaissance at 100 panel, South Atlantic Modern Literature Association (SAMLA) 92 Conference, 14 November 2020. Virtual Conference.

Erin Scheffels

  • Erin Scheffels led a workshop series, "Shifting Narratives to Prevent Bicyclist and Pedestrian Deaths," throughout 2020. The series was funded by a "Road to Zero" grant from the National Safety Council, awarded based on the findings of an interdisciplinary paper Erin co-authored and published in 2019, entitled "Framing the Bicyclist: A Qualitative Study of Media Discourse About Fatal Bicycle Crashes."

Heather Sellers

  • Sellers, Heather. The Practice of Creative Writing, Fourth Edition.  Macmillan Learning, 2020.
  • ---. The Practice of Creative Writing Fourth Edition Instructor’s Manual. Macmillan Learning, 2020.
  • ---. "." The Cincinnati Review, 2020.
  • ---. "On a Late June Evening in My Driveway." Finalist in , Fall 2020.
  • ---. "." Honorable mention in the American Society of Journalists and Authors () Annual Writing Awards.

Phillip Sipiora

  • Sipiora, Phillip. “Cultural Codes in Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets.” Italian American Studies Association International Conference, 7 August 2020.  Virtual Conference Presentation.
  • ---. “Norman Mailer, Film Critic.” Eighteenth International Norman Mailer Society Conference, October 17, 2020. Virtual Conference Presentation.


Abigale Brown

  • BA English, Creative Writing
  • Abigale Brown won the Fall 2020 LGBT Research Award from USF Libraries.

Yasmeen Alkishawi

  • BA English, Creative Writing
  • Alkishawi, Yasmeen. “Nakba.” Indiana Review, vol. 42, 2020, pp. 73. 
  • ---. “How Them Became Us.” Peregrine, vol. 42, 2020, pp. 25.  
  • ---. “Internalized Pain: A Couple’s Argument.” Crab Creek Review, vol. 34, 2020, pp. 4.  
  • ---. “Laylatul Qadr.” Crab Creek Review, vol. 34, 2020, pp. 5.  
  • ---. “Arabian Dream Broadcast.” The Florida Review, vol. 44, 2020, pp. 88.

Anca Garcia

  • PhD Literature Candidate
  • Garcia, Anca. "Books Betrayed." Harrer Award Essays, Sleepy Zebra Press, pp. 11-16. 
  •  ---. “A Parent’s Loss Can Never Be Fully Healed: Patterns of Trauma and Mourning in the Middle English Poem ʱ𲹰.” SAMLA 92 (South Atlantic Modern Language Association) Conference, 13-15 November 2020, Online. Presentation.
  • ---. "Politics and Pleasure in Women's Writing B." SAMLA 92 (South Atlantic Modern Language Association) Conference, 13-15 November 2020, Online. Session Chair.

Gabrielle Grilli

  • MFA Creative Writing, Poetry
  • Grilli, Gabrielle. “.” Panoply, A Literary Zine, Issue 16, September 2020.

Sarah Harder

  • MFA Creative Writing, Poetry
  • Harder, Sarah. "On Giving CPR to the Man in Room 204." Rock & Sling, vol. 15, 2020, pp. 119.
  • ---. "poem w/ no ghosts in it." Our Shared Memory, 2020, pp. 15.

Katie Walkup

  • PhD Rhetoric & Composition candidate
  • Walkup, Katie. “Mental Health, Predictive Analytics, and State Surveillance." Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine Virtual Pre-Conference on Social Justice at the National Communication Association Annual Convention. 18 November 2020.
  • ---. "Disrupting Dominant Narratives: Early Warning Systems and Threat Construction." Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication. Denton, TX, 5-9 October 2020.


Sharon Pinson

  • MFA Creative Writing, 2014
  • Snow, Sharon Lee. “Heart Failure.” Blood and Thunder: Musings on the Art of Medicine, Fall 2020.
  • ---. “To the Hiring Committee.” Underwood, no. 4, September 2020.


Pat Rogers

  • "William Diaper." The Literary Encyclopedia, 11 September 2020. 
  • "James Boswell: Journal of the Grand Tour." The Literary Encyclopedia, 15 September 2020.
  • "James Boswell: London Journal, 1762-1763.” The Literary Encyclopedia, 16 September 2020.
  • “John Arbuthnot: The History of John Bull." The Literary Encyclopedia, 16 September 2020. 
  • "John Arbuthnot: Annus Mirabilis." The Literary Encyclopedia, 18 September 2020.
  • "Edmund Curll: Mr. Pope’s Literary Correspondence." The Literary Encyclopedia, 7 October 2020.
  • "Daniel Defoe: A Plan of English Commerce." The Literary Encyclopedia, 8 October 2020.
  • "John Gay: The Mohocks." The Literary Encyclopedia, 8 October 2020.
  • "Alexander Pope: The Worms." The Literary Encyclopedia, 14 October 2020.
  • "John Gay: Mr. Pope’s Welcome from Greece." The Literary Encyclopedia, 14 October 2020. 
  • "Jonathan Swift: The Virtues of Sid Hamet the Magician’s Rod." The Literary Encyclopedia, 14 October 2020. 
  • "Matthew Prior: The Viceroy, A Ballad." The Literary Encyclopedia, 14 October 2020.
  • "Alexander Pope, Pamphlets on Edmund Curll." The Literary Encyclopedia, 15 October 2020.

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